Mexican Beer Brands

    mexican beer

  • Beer in Mexico has a long history. While Mesoamerican cultures knew of fermented alcoholic beverages, including a corn beer, long before the Spanish conquest, European style beer brewed with barley was introduced with the Spanish soon after Hernán Cortés’ arrival.


  • (brand) burn with a branding iron to indicate ownership; of animals
  • (brand) a recognizable kind; “there’s a new brand of hero in the movies now”; “what make of car is that?”
  • (brand) trade name: a name given to a product or service
  • A type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name
  • A brand name
  • A particular type or kind of something

mexican beer brands

mexican beer brands – MISTER BEER

MISTER BEER MEXICAN ALE (One 2L Bottle of Mr Beer) Brand: Mister Beer
MISTER BEER MEXICAN ALE (One 2L Bottle of Mr Beer) Brand: Mister Beer
Fresh Premium Beer
Micro Brewery in a Bottle. Just add the yeast capsule and 2 weeks later you have beer!.

The world’s easiest beer making kit

Just add the yeast capsule and 2 weeks later you have beer!

Mister Beer Bottle Brew is craft-brewed using only the finest Canadian Barley Malt, with no additives or preservatives used in our brewing process.

Stefan Riedelsheimer, our German born brew-master, studied his trade in Munich, Germany, before moving to Canada in the 1990’s. His passion and dedication to great beer is reflected in the quality and flavour of our products.

The traditional German Hefe-Weizen style of beer, which is partially fermented and aged in bottles, is where the initial idea of BottleBrew was born.

Unlike commercial breweries, fermentation is completed under pressure in the bottle, similar to Champagne. The result is a fresher, smoother tasting, unfiltered beer with a natural fine carbonation, similar to Champagne.



What makes Mister Beer Bottle Brew different than most home-brew kits?

Most home-brew kits are based on a dehydrated malt or liquid concentrated malt. You then add water, boil, ferment, sterilize bottles, etc. It seems like a lot of work with marginal results. Any real brewer or beer lover equates this to an orange juice made from crystals like Tang or a concentrated orange juice, versus freshly squeezed orange juice. The end result can’t possibly be very good.

Mister Beer Bottle Brew is craft-brewed, the same way all premium beers are made. Then, instead of fermenting it, we bottle it. After you buy it, you simply add our specially selected brewer’s yeast which triggers the fermentation in your home, right in the bottle.

Sol Cerveza

Sol Cerveza
I am not a big drinker by any means, but while living in California I developed a taste for Mexican cervezas over all others. Unfortunately, when I moved to Ohio I found that some brands of cerveza were nearly impossible to come by (Ohio has some weird beer import laws.)

It wasn’t until last week that I noticed Sam’s Club (east coast’s version of Costco) carried a 24 pack of what they call, “Beers of Mexico” which had six each of four different brands of beer. It was like a dream come true – none of that main stream cerveza nonsense, this baby had Tecate!

The real surprise came with a beer I had never heard of before, a golden beauty called Sol. Not being familiar with it I saved it for last but after having tasted it I can’t believe just how good it is. A little online research revealed two things; a lot of people are enamored with its taste and like other cervezas it is next to impossible to buy it at any real quantity in Ohio. Bummer.

Mexican Beer Brands

Mexican Beer Brands
Negra Modelo is the best,